I Miss Drawing... :))

Yeah, it's been a while since I last held a pencil, an eraser, a sketchpad, a techpen, an inking pen... Aishhhh! What else? Yes, I miss drawing, I miss my first love... I miss my usual past time, my outlet of whatever I feel! Haayyy. I've been busy these past few... past few years? Hahaha LOL. I haven't done any good artwork since I started working and became very, very busy. And now, I wish I could still draw, I mean, a real artwork not only just drawn on a scratch paper whenever I am idling at the office... Hahaha.

Well, this was one of my simple artworks not so long time ago (perhaps ~2 years ago). I was planning to use this as my profile pic in Facebook having my name written on the placard held by the girl. Hahaha. Unfortunately, my plan was still pending up to this very moment. I have the line art, but I don't have the colored version. I don't have time to colour this digitally, anymore! Yes, this may take only few hours to colour but I dunno... I can't even allot time for this. Do I really miss this thing? Or am I just making excuses? Waaaaaaa!

Anyway, I just visited my Deviantart page, and I really really envy those who still have time to post their artworks there. Deviantart is actually an online community page showcasing various forms of user-made artwork (<~~wenks? anu daw?). Well, in simple words, it's just "online tambayan ng mga artists". Hahaha. Yeah they're freakssss! And I wanna be a freak like them!!! I dunno how they can "still" find time to create such masterpieces, are they just sitting in front of their desks the whole day, holding a pencil and a paper, or rather a mouse or a tablet? I wish I could manage my time more so I could still do my 1st love... :((

Yes, this is just the same as the first image shown above, pending and rotten. Hahaha. Geez, I have started colouring this one perhaps, a year and a half ago... then forgotten already. I wish I could have that one-month long vacation, so I could still work on my pending artworks and then display them out for the world to see. I know these are not so magnificent looking (pa-humble. LOL), but I am still proud of these, 'coz I made them from the bottom of my heart. Aishhhh

I wanna forget reality for a while and escape to my wonderland, where I live with my own characters. There I won't experience any problems, pains, hardships... (woah! Wut the hell? Drama?) Wenks, just kidding! I mean, whenever I draw, my mind is diverted into my characters' world. I feel happy and relaxed, I feel less stressed and pressured. Anyway, I'm just sharing my thought for tonight, I miss drawing badly... Hopefully, I can get back to my hobby soon, as I'm looking forward to be able to post them in the eyes of the discriminating public! Hahaha.

'Till my next blog post!


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